Here are given different ideas for the perfect
cocktail invitation cards. So check out invitations for cocktail
Cocktail Party Invitation
Cocktail party is a fun occasion to let loose all your tensions and relax. Whether an extravagant or a simple one, cocktail party always carries the element of excitement, which is largely contributed by the enticing cocktail drinks and peppy music. If you are planning to throw such an enthralling party, then you would have to create the surprise element right from the invitations. When it comes to invitations, they should be as attractive as the occasion itself, so that the invitees keep guessing on what new is going to happen in the party and hence, look forward to it eagerly. Therefore, invite your guests in the most unique and interesting way. Given below are some cocktail party invitation ideas.
Cocktail Party Invitation Ideas
- A well-designed card should clearly state whether the occasion is a formal or an informal one. Through the invitation, you should be able to put across your thoughts concisely. Hence, make use of the most appropriate words for the context.
- The layout and the choice of words for the invitation will largely depend upon the type of the party (whether it is formal or informal). For instance, if it is a formal party, then you should send out the invitations in the traditional way, clearly specifying the necessary details in a bit serious manner. The font of the invitation will be less funny.
- On the other hand, if you are hosting an informal cocktail party, then you should convey the message in a bit casual way. This can be brought about by the choice of words and the layout of the invitation card.
- Invitations for an informal cocktail party usually carry some illustrations on them, which are related to cocktail. This may include wine glasses, martinis, olives, stir sticks, champagne bottles, etc.
- You may use generous doses of bright colors. Make the invitation cards look even more attractive by adding glitters on the front and back cover. Choose a fun font for the invitation, to convey the message in a light-hearted manner.
- Whatever the type of the party is, it is very important to mention the time, date and venue of the party. Also, add your contact details including address, phone number and email in case anyone wants to contact you. You may also provide a route map on the back of the invitation, which will be helpful for the people who haven't explored the place before. Mention the theme of the party and the dress code, if any, in the invitation.
- Cocktail party invitations are widely available in the Internet. You can customize them according to your own requirements and even print the names of the guests, in cases you have invited only a handful of people, say, your close friends.
- Finally, make sure you send your invitation cards at least 2-3 weeks before the party. That way, your guests will be able to plan the schedule accordingly.